Strange problem, but perhaps this is a known and understood phenomenon.
After a recent rush of blood to the head, I purchased a Maple 5 clone (Iteadmaple v1.0) from Iteadstudio (which is one of my regular haunts for Arduino compatible hardware).
I've been playing with the board using the maple-ide v0.0.12, and everything is largely working fine. I'm reading a thermistor value on analog pin 0 (pin 15) using the standard voltage divider approach: a 10K resistor from the 3.3v pin to pin 15, and then connecting the 10K/25C thermistor between pin 15 and ground.
Works a treat reading the values when the supply voltage is 7.5V, but starts reading very erratically whhen using a 12V supply. At first I thought it must be a noisy power suppply the boards filtering didn't like, but I've used several power supplies now, and have convinced myself that the higher voltage is itself the problem.
I was reading that the genuine Maple 5 board prefer to be powered at lower supply voltages than 12V, which is their max. rated input, as there is more headroom available for current output from the board that way (I don't really understand why this would be so, but that's what I believe I read.)
One thing about the Iteadmaple clone was that is supposed to have a greater tolerance for supply voltage input, up to 35V as I recall. So I was surprised to see the effect. Basically, the sensor pin voltage reading seems to be jumping all over the place when using a 12V, but settles down to a very solid and reliable reading when using a 7.5V supply.
Using a 7.5V adaptor (I have a few, and it works robustly with all of them) is a reasonable practical work-around, but it has me scratching my head as to "why?". Is this an issue the clone inherited from the reference design, or is this something peculiar to this board?
Any insights into what might be going on is appreciated.