I connect the USB port to Maple r5, the LED flashes for a few seconds.
It turns off the device is no longer visible.
It is broken?
Maple r5 problem
(5 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago #
That looks like the normal behaviour.
Have you tried to upload anything on it ?Xavier
Posted 4 years ago # -
The device is no longer visible from the PC.
I do not find among the devices.I use google traslator.
Posted 4 years ago # -
I do not think it's broken. No connection hardware.
You can reset to factory settings?Posted 4 years ago # -
The device should come up as a dfu device when you first plug it in. Then detach after a few seconds and come back as a serial COM port. On windows, you must install both the DFU and the serial COM port drivers as per the quickstart instructions.
As a last resort, you can use perpetual bootloader mode http://leaflabs.com/docs/troubleshooting.html#perpetual-bootloader-mode to guarantee that maple will stay in a permanent state of programmability. In perpetual bootloader mode the COM device should NOT appear in the drop down menu in the IDE, however uploading code should still work.
Posted 4 years ago #
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