I have several r5 all run ok.
One of them runs fine, I can upload programs and run them, but I am unable to set it in the perpetual bootloader mode.
Unlike the other boards where I can easily enter the boot mode by the Reset-BUT, on that one pressing the BUT does not seem to have any affect.
While on 'normal' board, when pressing the reset, holding the BUT and releasing the reset, it enters the boot mode, no blinking until loading. In this one, when releasing the BUT it completes the reset, and does not enter boot mode.
Here is the bootloader error mesage:
E:\Documents and Settings\python27\python.exe E:\Maple\bootload
er\stm32loader.py -p COM4 -evw E:\Maple\bootloader\maple_boot-rev3-9c5f8e.bin
Reading data from E:\Maple\bootloader\maple_boot-rev3-9c5f8e.bin
Can't init. Ensure that BOOT0 is enabled and reset device
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Maple\bootloader\stm32loader.py", line 461, in <module>
bootversion = cmd.cmdGet()
File "E:\Maple\bootloader\stm32loader.py", line 121, in cmdGet
if self.cmdGeneric(0x00):
File "E:\Maple\bootloader\stm32loader.py", line 118, in cmdGeneric
return self._wait_for_ask(hex(cmd))
File "E:\Maple\bootloader\stm32loader.py", line 69, in _wait_for_ask
raise CmdException("No response to %s" % info)
__main__.CmdException: No response to 0x0