tmbomber, the true at the end means that your code doesn't need to setup SPI (however it will only use it at 1.125MHz) and the library will do that for you, currently this isn't clear because of no documentation on the change, it will be possible in the future to pass another argument when you initlise the SD card to give it a custom speed.
To be able to use a different CS/NSS, just replace USE_NSS_PIN with the pin of your choice, in this case, you want to use 8, so it will look like this
Sd2Card card(spi,8,true);
jwestervelt, The library in it's current form does not have DMA support, this is something to be added in later. Technically you can use the Maple's LED (this doesn't apply to the Maple Mini) providing your SPI slave device is currently not selected, ie the CS line is in it's idle position. However,there could be some slave devices which do not follow this and will not respond correctly to the changes to the SCK pin.