Yeah! The more the merrier, we've definitely been bumping up against the RAM limit doing VGAs and audio demos.
The Maple Native will have a high-density chip with lots of built in RAM as well as a seperate SRAM IC (probably 8megs) and an FSMC bus header for even more expansion.
For the Maple, I think we'll switch the pin-compatible STM32 with the most RAM when we do a rev4. Not sure when that will be... we're just getting all the rev3 issues ironed out and it's kind of a hassle/risk to make changes even though it's a simple swap out. Another layer of complexity would be updating the toolchain and IDE to support multiple targets, though that shouldn't be a big deal.
As a first step we'll try swapping in a higher memory chip onto a rev3 and play with it. I'll let you know how it goes, if you're impatient it shouldn't be unthinkable to make that modification yourself if you've got the right tools (hot air, a fine tip, and a steady hand). Not exactly a DIP socket though...
gbulmer, those Thai boards look super similar to our Maple Native layout... great minds think alike? You can get those (or something very similar) off ebay in the states for about $65 which maybe sort of validates our current pricing ;)