Hi Everybody,
This may be a silly question, but it's something that I'd like to know...
Is there a way to hand out a programmed Maple without having to worry about someone sucking the code out of it, disassembling it, and reverse engineering my source code?
Say I have a bit of code loaded onto a Maple, and for the time being I wanna keep that code private. I'd like to pass the board around to a couple people for them to play with, but I'm not ready to let them have the code.
In days gone by I've done just that on other processors. But I'm unsure if it's possible with the Maple's processor. (lets assume that the people I'm giving the board to are resourceful enough that if your answer is "difficult, but possible" you'd actually be say "yes, they can")
I know there's lock bits in the fuses of the ATMEGA processors, but I'm unsure what those actually do. For the Maple board I've never played around with anything other than the standard IDE so I'm unsure what options are available.