I am using Maple Rev5 board and 0.0.9 Maple IDE. I am also connected to a Mac OSX with Snow Leopard.
The test application is simply using SerialUSB and echoing what it receives back to the terminal.
void loop() {
if(SerialUSB.available()) SerialUSB.write(SerialUSB.read());
In this example, i am able to echo whatever text i send to it through the MapleIDE's Serial Terminal. The problem is that if the text sent is too long it just locks up. The most inconvenient part is that IDE locks up and i have to Force Quit. Anything not saved is lost.
For Example:
"Hello World" Displays just fine and allows for another line to be sent
"asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf adsf" Although untested at the moment, will likely lock up Maple. (I am at work and dont have a specific string of text to test.) When this happens, the terminal will not close, and the IDE is no longer responsive. Also the MapleRev5 board will stop responding. (If led was blinking, it no longer blinks.) I have to either reset the board through the Reset button, or in some cases disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable to recover, and then Force Quit and restart the Maple IDE application.
What lead me to this sort of test is the Arduino Firmware i am trying to port, Tonokips Reprap Firmware, will lock up just the same after maybe 6 lines of GCode, which is comprised of approximately 100 characters +/- 20. (I dont have the specific numbers on me at the moment.)
I assume that SerialUSB is either:
- Waiting for another character through SerialUSB.read()
- The terminal is waiting for another character, but Maple doesnt have anything to report
- Maybe a driver on my Mac is just glitchy and locks up both IDE and board
Anyone have any insight? Thanks ahead of time!