robodude666 - The STM32F103xB datasheet, 5.3.9 "Memory characteristics" rates the "Endurance" (Nend) of flash memory as 10,000 cycles, not 100,000 cycles. Though ST also point out that this 'Endurance' is characterised across the device operating temperature range, and so is typically many more for normal operating conditions.
I still agree it is a lot. Assuming I could change the program, upload, and diagnose my error every 2 minutes for 8hours/day, 5 days a week, it's a couple of months. On the other hand, I can make my own boards, so a new board can be much cheaper than a Maple.
I'd like an emulator so that I could test code without needing to carry any extra bits of electronics. I feel a bit conscious that other people might feel a bit uncomfortable when I get out an Arduino or Maple on a train. I don't think I would like to take one through security checks for a passenger flight.
I'd also like a cycle-accurate emulator for benchmarks. That should be much easier to compare speed changes if I can mock-up some test data.