I got the Maple JTAG Adapter prototypes back from Laen and Dorkbot PDX. They look great. I built one and it works! Thank you okie, gbulmer, and soundcyst for your help!
Here are some pictures in case you are interested:
Bare board front:
Assembled board front:
Assembled board back:
Assembled board side:
Assembled board hooked up to Maple and Olimex ARM-USB-OCD:
I soldered the 8-pin connector to the back of the adapter board because it is that way on the Maple - that way I could just use a straight-through ribbon cable. If you have yours on the front of the Maple, then put the 8-pin connector on the front of your adapter.
LeafLabs folks, I will send you one. Everyone else - I have enough parts for four more - if you want a Maple JTAG adapter kit for free, and are in the US, send me your name and mailing address to adamf at pobox dot com. I will send a kit (board plus parts) to the first four people who email me. Yes, for free. :-)
As for what next - I don't want to be in the business of selling these, but am willing to do another run of boards at DorkBot PDX if people are interested. The boards work out to be about $2.50 each, and the cable, connectors, and resistors probably add another several dollars.
One idea would be for the LeafLabs folks to have these kits on hand for people who need them. They sure make it easy to get started with JTAG debugging. Another idea is to do an update on the adapter to use surface mount devices and have it built by a board house.
I will also update the board to the new ARM-standard 10-pin JTAG connector once a board with it comes out from LeafLabs.