Windows XP 32 bit SP3. New board today, downloaded latest IDE files. I followed instructions for installing drivers, after first plugging in USB cable and seeing the initial LED blinking, I hit reset, while green LED was blinking fast I pushed and held BUT until green LED went slow, it then stayed there (perpetual bootloader mode as I understand it), was able to install dfu drivers fine, device manager shows LibUSB-Win32 Devices>Maple 003. Ok. Pushed reset on board, after green LED quit and yellow LED blinks slowly, New Hardware Wizard appears. Navigate to serial drivers from Maple download, install begins but terminates with 'cannot install hardware' dialog, 'an error occurred during the installation of the device. A service installation section in this INF is invalid.' In device manager I now see under Ports> Maple R3 with yellow mark. I've tried deleting the devices several times and get the same result (definition of insanity:)). Any ideas?
Thanks, Dan