Funnily enough, I've been looking at the Oak's vague details for a while wondering if the idea would be growing. :)
Personally, I'd like something like the maple, with all its gpio pins routed through the FPGA as default. Then I can program the FPGA to route the IO pins to where I want them, or to a softcore, or to an FPGA-implemented logic circuit, or to what ever is floating my boat on that particular day.
For instance, for the project I'm working on, it would be nice to have either the UART TX or a PWM to output at in 38KHz pulses (I'll be using the UART RX, identically, in both modes) coming out of the same pin, software selectable. This would require just one output pin rather than potentially 3 (PWM output, with UART TX, and the third pin attached to a switching circuit of some kind).
I'm a software engineer by trade (thus, constantly changing my mind), so the less track cutting and soldering needed, on veroboards, the better! LOL!