I've developed a board based on the olimex maple board, but am using the RET6 chip. I have no USB port in this design, so I can only upload code via my STLINKV2 programmer, and that works fine.
The problem is that when I load any basic code (blink, etc..) using the STLINKV2 (using the associated utility), the program doesn't run. Also noted that the crystal does not oscillate. The blink code is generated from the maple IDE (.bin) and I use that to upload with the STLINK. Confirmed that I have the RET6 edition selected in the boards.
When I load the USB bootloader(.bin) with the same STLINKV2 programmer, the bootloader runs fine, and the crystal is working. I haven't tried to upload code with USB as I dont have the hardware on this design (I may rig it up on a breadboard and pipe it in to see if code uploads this way).
So... what is happening here? Do I need to be setting a crystal mode in the program? I suspect that the bootloader.hex has some code that sets the external crystal properly, and I also suspect that when code is uploaded to the maple via, this is also true. Why when I upload a .bin other than the bootloader does the crystal not oscillate?
Maybe this is a bug with the RET6 chip and the Maple IDE?
Thanks in advance