pyrohaz - "given ... STM32F0 discovery boards. ... I was wondering if the maple IDE could program these boards?"
The simple answer is 'No'. This applies to anyone who does not know how to use the command line tools, and needs to use the IDE.
The STM32F0Discovery uses an STM32F051, which has an ARM Cortex-M0 CPU that executes a subset of the machine-code instruction of the Maple's Cortex-M3.
This means the underlying gcc compiler should be told to generate Cortex-M0 instructions, or the program won't run. It also suggests the pre-compiled libraries, which are compiled for the Maples Cortex-M3, will not run.
Further, some of the hardware peripherals are different from the Maple's STM32F103.
This implies that some of the library might not work, even if all machine instructions were okay.
The peripheral differences include the "Nested vectored interrupt controller" (NVIC), so it is possible that interrupt handlers or library code won't work correctly. The bus architecture is different, so a small part of the startup code may need changing. Maple's STM32f103 have different GPIO peripheral registers compared to STM32F051, so for example code that implements pinMode
likely need changing. Other differences include having different timers, which exist at different address ranges.
Finally, STM32F051 doesn't have USB on-board. This means a different mechanism for loading programs must be used.
All of this could be solved. However, that would require some work on the Maple library source code, including the startup code and interrupt vector handlers, probably changes to the link script, and use of the command line compiler and linker.
(Full disclosure: I am not a member of LeafLabs staff)