Hello everyone,
My last few hours have been very productive.
A few months ago I started the thread 'Possible "hesitation" bug revealed using strcmp()' ( http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=209 ).
I was trying to create a sketch which would allow National Instrument's LabVIEW application to talk to the Maple (I have the older Rev 3 summer 2010 board). I was using the Maple's SerialUSB.println() and analogRead() function.
Code which allows communication between LabVIEW 2009 and an Arduino Duemilanove board did not work on the Maple. I nicknamed the problem "21n" because the data transmission would halt at 21n intervals. The exact details are not important, because I am happy to report that the latest Maple IDE snapshot ( described in http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=651#post-3635 ) fixes the problem!
LabVIEW 2009 and Maple are talking to teach other.
The data transfer is really slow (about 120 data points a second), but at least I now have a system I can try to optimize. I have not used any of the bit shifting code recommended by others to transfer data using SerialUSB more efficiently:
Thanks again, mbolivar for giving us a working implementation. Now that the SerialUSB code is working are speed optimizations low on the priority list or something which we will see in Maple IDE 0.1.0?
Working on other code (not related to SerialUSB) might be good for the LeafLabs maple crew. The SerialUSB bug has taken a long time to solve.
Have a great weekend.
Stephen from NYC
P.S. - I am using Windows XP SP3 on a Pentium III laptop