Thought I'd share this code here while I work on the library in case people wish to see what I'm working on. I've written a little light chaser program, just it's not using the Maple's GPIO, it's using a single 8-bit GPIO register of the MCP23018. I got the chips this morning from Microchips Sample Program (I'm planning for QFN versions these chips to be used in a project in the future) and decided to get working on making a driver for them. After some initial problems (reading the reference manual incorrectly) I've finally made a working driver, and used a 'simple' light chaser example to display it.
The code is available here:
And a video demonstration is available here:
I'd also like to mention the library for this chip will also support the SPI version (MCP23S18) as well as the code used to communicate with them is near identical. Additionally, I'll be making a library for users of ATMEGA/ATTINY devices having trouble wrapping their heads around the STM32F1 GPIO some help which will provide an opportunity to learn how to as well as a simple interface. It could technically be used in place where there is a ATMega device library that directly accesses the GPIO.