AsyncLabs makes an open hardware Arduino wifi shield called WiShield 2.0:
It uses the MicroChip/ZeroG G2100 wifi module. AsyncLabs ported the uIP TCP/IP stack to run on the Arduino and wrote a driver for the G2100. Here is the development wiki page for the board:
I'm thinking of porting the WiShield drivers and the uIP stack to run on the Maple.
There are two parts to the project - porting the uIP stack and porting the G2100 drivers.
I was wondering: has anyone here done either or both of these already? It seems like to get ethernet working on the Maple, that would need a uIP stack, so that's why I'm asking. If not, I'm happy to work on these, I just wanted to ask before I started.
(Why I'm interested in doing this: I want to build a data acquisition device that can provide about 2000 24bit ADC readings per second via HTTP. I believe Arduino is not capable of this throughput, but the Maple's Arm Cortex M3 is more powerful, and by my estimates it should work because the Maple is 4.5 times faster and has 20x more RAM for the TCP/IP buffers.)
If neither of these have been done yet - I'm also interested in advice or resources. I searched, but haven't seen any Arm Cortex M3 uIP ports on the web yet.
Adam Feuer
Seattle, WA, USA