Is it possible to run a RTOS on the Maple HW platform? I'm thinkng about OpenRTOS or CooCox or something like that? Or are you using other seperate LIBs to get threading, mutex locks, file system etc?
Real Time OS
(6 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
Just the other day I searched for something similar and found somebody's FreeRTOS port for the Cortex-M3:
The source is part of his Github repo:
Posted 5 years ago # - seems also to be made for Cortex M3. So it should work, I guess you use the JTAG interface to flash it?
Posted 5 years ago # -
JTAG or the serial bootloader is fine too. The PRIMER folks run "circleOS" im not sure if has any RT support. Let us know how it goes!
Posted 5 years ago # -
other candidates: and
Posted 5 years ago # -
It should definitely be possible to get a RTOS running on the Maple and even easier to get one running on the Maple Native. We are planning on prioritizing eLua and possibly python, but we'd love to hear if you get an RTOS up and running.
I'm also interested in contiki:
Posted 5 years ago #
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