Hi guys!
I'm trying to make a bread-boarded maple using through-hole components.
Using a RET6 chip I mounted on a SMT to through-hole adapter, I built the circuit from the Eagle schematic for Maple R5 (sans the LI-battery charger and barrel jack).
I'm wondering if anyone has tried this before and run in to trouble. Here's my problem:
Using a FTDI adapter (Adafruit, modified for 3.3v), I am able to flash the bootloader binary to Maple r5 following the instructions on the wiki. When I connect the FTDI adapter to my breadboard and try the same thing (of course using the RET-6 bootloader binary), I get the following:
C:\Python27>python.exe stm32loader.py -p COM9 -evw maple_RET6_boot.bin
Reading data from maple_RET6_boot.bin
Can't init. Ensure Boot0=1, Boot1=0, and reset device
[followed by traceback]
It does the same thing when the FTDI adapter is connected to nothing.
Is there anything obvious I'm missing? I triple-checked my connections including Boot0 tied high and Boot1 tied low...
Here are the major through-hole parts I'm using instead of SMT:
> 3.3v regulators: MCP1702-3302E/TO (Maple uses MCP1703T)
> 1uf ceramic Cap on regulator input and output as per datasheet (Maple uses electrolytic 22uf for these)
> Digikey part 887-1233-ND - an 8mhz through-hole crystal spec-matched to the Maple part
> Generic through-hole NPN transistors
> Golden-max series ceramic caps
> Standard through-hole 1/4W resistors
I have a photo of the setup:
(The huge red button is the reset button - it's the only one I had on hand)
and a photo of the reflow job (I used a reflow-modded toaster and checked under a scope afterwards... all connections look clean.
I verified that the regulators are delivering 3.3v to the VDD pins.
So I'm stumped.
Are there any fuse bits that have to be set before flashing the bootloader for the first time? Or lines that should be tied high/low that aren't explicitly specified? Or is this whole project hopeless due to stray capacitance or some other breadboard related issue?
I'll post more as I work through this, and a quick guide if I get it working. Thanks for sharing wisdom!