Hey guys,
I am wondering if I can flash the maple_boot.bin(mini version) to mini board via serial port, using stm32loader.py.
It prompts such information:
[librae@united ~]$ ./stm32loader.py -p/dev/ttyUSB0 -a0x08000000 -ewv ./mini_boot.bin
Reading data from ../mini_boot.bin
Can't init. Ensure that BOOT0 is enabled and reset device
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./script/stm32loader.py", line 465, in <module>
bootversion = cmd.cmdGet()
File "./script/stm32loader.py", line 121, in cmdGet
if self.cmdGeneric(0x00):
File "./script/stm32loader.py", line 118, in cmdGeneric
return self._wait_for_ask(hex(cmd))
File "./script/stm32loader.py", line 69, in _wait_for_ask
raise CmdException("No response to %s" % info)
__main__.CmdException: No response to 0x0
Infact, I press BUT indeed. And I have also measured the BOOT0 pin, it's about 3.0V.
BTW, use the same way to flash a maple board is just fine.
Could anybody help? Or if mini version needs a special step to flash via serial?