Hi all! I've bought the development board with ZET6 CPU, this one: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/ARM-Cortex-M3-Mini-Stm32-Stm32F103ZEt6-Cortex-Development-Board-72MHz-512KFlash-64KRAM-FZ0620-Free-SHipping/1211122989.html
It has onboard USB-UART bridge, linked to USART1, so I easily (and successfully) flashed the bootloader for Maple Native. But when I try to upload any program (I tried the "Blink" example), the upload process seems to succeed, but after reboot the device remains in DFU mode. The DFU mode works, so I can compile and upload the program again, with the same result. Both BOOT0 and BOOT1 are unconnected. Does anyone have an idea, why my program doesn't start?