SPI reading different sensors by Chip select or daisy chain them?
Is their a major advantage to daisy chaining them their is a lot of losses I have to deal with if my sensors are daisy chained. They are ADC chips and their is a master and slave ones ... so daisy chaining means one master and tied clocks to slaves and 2 spi if their are daisy chaining... Is spi read inhibited badly by having to chip select a ADC? The slaves could be daisy chained and that group chip selected whale the master be chip selected indivigualy.
SPI reading different sensors by Chip select or daisy chain them?
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
josheeg, here's an example from iperry that includes spi send:
the docs for spi need to be updated.
Posted 5 years ago #
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