I've posted a few weeks ago about my dead maple http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=74153
Since I liked the board, I purchased an olimexino because I thought it's more resilient, but I've managed to brick that one too.
Here's the setup:
I have 5 small motors, stall about 450 mA, controlled by SN754410 motor drivers. Driver logic power supply is 5V, (coming from an old computer PSU), common ground with maple. Drivers register maple's 3.3 logic level without problems. I use one pwm pin and two logic pins per motor. Motors power lines are isolated using 1N4001 diodes. There is a 470uF capacitor between driver shield's motor power line and ground. Motor shield's ground and maple are connected trough gnd pin next to Vin.
Everything works fine when motors are on 5V, but I needed more power. So I connected 12V. It actually worked for two days, but then the maple stopped being responsive. I still get the "power on" led. It blinks when I reset the board. After about a minute, the chip starts to get hot.
I've read that maybe the grounds should be connected further away. Why is that, and how do I connect them, while keeping usb connection with the computer? Also, do I need to somehow protect logic outputs from maple? Is there a possibility that SN754410 fried logic ports?
I only have a basic multimeter for diagnostics.