siy - I used Eclipse when it came out, and often since, so I am aware of its architecture and history. My company was a Sun and IBM partner, and we used Eclipse and the forerunner of NetBeans on client projects. I have run development groups since who have used those tools. My commercial view is time spent on making tools work the way we need is time that can't be spent making money, solving the clients problems.
For my day-to-day development, I really like XCode. If I did a lot of Ruby, I'd use TextMate. In reality I can use Eclipse, and have used it in the last 10 years, but on a Mac, I prefer not to. If I were to change, I'd use NetBeans first because it has DTrace support. Anyway ...
It makes huge amounts of sense (to me) to use an existing IDE which is portable across Windows, Mac and Linux (but not in that order :-)
I think professional developers are very well served with the range of IDEs, and can cope with using a variety of IDEs. They are not the people I am focusing on.
I think beginners are not well supported by IDEs.
IMHO when one starts programming it is hard "to see the wood for the trees". An IDE with huge amounts of flexibility typically has lots of UI to configure that flexibility. This is 'cognitive baggage', it adds things to understand, but very little value.
My experience is beginners are able to use the Wiring/Processing/Arduino IDE in a few minutes, and very little distracts them. I am certain Eclipse could be configured, and plugins built, to provide an easy to use IDE, but I haven't seen it, so I assume it is a lot of work. Wiring/Processing already exists.