I thought I would share a library I have written to control character based LCDs. This library is a derivate of the original LiquidCrystal Library as sourced in the Arduino SDK. The library supports most Hitachi HD44780 based LCDs or compatible and they can be now connected to any project using (4, 8 wire parallel interface, I2C IO port expander and Shift Regiter).
The main changes to the LiquidCrystal Library is that it has been changed to be a pure abstract class from which particular implementations derive from. Therefore, it is possible to create new drivers to the library by simply inhering from the base class and develop the functions that are specific to accessing the LCD.
Even though, it has been developed for Arduino, looking into the IDE it should easily be ported to Maple.
If you are interested here is a link to its wiki and main library repository:
If you find it useful drop me a line.