The Olimex Maple clone has a built in SD card socket, unfortunately I found making it work to be not quite as easy as it should. Something this simple took me quite a while to figure out so I thought I would save others the headache, I've called this an "idiot" guide because to many this might seem too trivial to be worth mentioning, but it trips up us new guys.
First of all get the mapleSDfat library, this forum has instructions for getting it installed (copy the folder into the libraries directory).
There is an issue with the library that you need to correct manually, follow the instructions in Issue number 2 on the googlecode site where you got mapleSDfat from.
The OLIMEXino has the SD card slot connected to hardware spi port 2. This is very important, the examples that come with the library and most other code you see people using will use a different SPI port. To get the FileSys example from the library working change line 14 so it reads as "HardwareSPI spi(2);"
The OLIMEXino also has a non-standard (compared with real maple) pin asignment for the SPI2_NSS pin, its 31 on a real maple, and 25 on the OLIMEXino clone. In the folder you installed the maple IDE in go to the hardware/leaflabs/cores/maple/maple.h file and on line 61 change the BOARD_SPI2_NSS_PIN from 31 to 25.
Doing all of this will result in the sample programs working successfully.
OLIMEX produce documentation for their board which shows all the pin assignments, so it is possible to work out all of the above.
Hope that all makes the MAPLE that little bit more easier to use.