Gbulmer, thanks for the idea about using cut-off leads. That should be better and easier. Also, I already have the copper boards (double-sided). I plan to print all my layouts to scale and outline it with a trace the runs just outside the board to line everything up. Then, before I etch it, I will drill 4 guide holes to ensure everything is in place. I'd like to try doing as much as I can myself because (not to try to sound like an educator but) this is supposed to be an educational experience. Plus, working with Ferric Chloride should be exciting. I have adequate facilities for handling chemicals (school...).
Hopefully for hand routing all of it, this wasn't too bad. I might change the design again to move the PWM outputs closer to the opto, but I'll see. As it is, does it look better? Moving stuff offboard really helped.
Mbolivar, good to know that it is something that will be looked at. I understand the focus on the Maple hardware. If fact, I like that. Support here is great, so I like that you are all working on the hardware aspect to make the boards even better.
Soundcyst, thanks for the link. Multiple copies would be mostly useless because I only ordered enough parts for one copy with 1 or 2 spare parts. The prices are a little high for my project. Right now I have maybe $80 left to work with until I find more donations/sponsors.
On that note, I was able to get 8 fuel injectors (with two fuel rails) donated. That saved me at least $15. Now I just need a pump, ignition coil (or two), and an O2 sensor.