Of course - you need change COM1 to your port.
How to use the Maple board with other IDEs
(19 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
In bnewbold's first reply in this topic he wrote:
"you will need extra hardware; see http://leaflabs.com/docs/maple/jtag/"I went there and looked at the .png file (on Window and Linux to see if something was broken on my side) and all I saw was two headers -- 20-pin and 8-pin and no connecting lines.
Well, if I can't have lines, can I have some text?
I know TDO <-> TDO, TDI <-> TDI, TMS <-> TMS, TCK <-> TCK, TRST <-> TRST, Vcc <-> Vcc, Gnd <-> Gnd.
I am guessing that TRST also goes to nRESET.
When I went from 20-pin to 10-pin I had to add in a handful of pull up/down resistors.20-pin ...................... 10-pin
use .pin .................... pin use3.3V 1 ---+------------------- 1 3.3V
VREF 2 ---+
TRST 3------------------------ 10 TRST
GND 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 --- 2 GND
TDI 5 ------------------------- 3 TDI
TMS 7 ------------------------- 6 TMS
TCK 9 ------------------------- 7 TCK
RTCK 11 ----------------------- 4 RTCK
TDO 13 ------------------------ 5 TDO
RESET 15 ---------------------- 9 RESET
DBGRQ 17 N/C 8 N/C
DBGACK 19 N/C20-pin 1 connects through 10K resistors (4) back to pin 3,5,7,13 (pull up)
20-pin 4 connects through 10K resistors (2) back to pin 9,11 (pull down)I *think* I can just make up a 8-pin <-> 10-pin adapter:
10-pin ..... 8-pin
pin use ... pin use1 3.3V ----- 7 Vcc
2 GND ------ 2 Gnd
3 TDI ------ 5 TDI
4 RTCK ----- ?????
5 TDO ----- 4 TDO
6 TMS ------ 6 TMS
7 TCK ------ 3 TCK
8 key
9 RESET ---- ?????
10 TRST ----- 1 TRST2 questions remain:
1 hook up RESET to TRST
2 RTCK is No Connection or TCK?Any directions available?
Posted 5 years ago # -
Yey! I got it to work with Crossworks!
With Activestate python 2.7 I had to change serialwin32 to serial and .Serial() to .serial_for_url().
Posted 5 years ago # -
Now the next question is: How do you build a non-libmaple based binary and still use Maple's bootloader. Is it just a matter of setting up the right starting memory and using dfu-util?
Hmm. Was this question asked already?
Posted 5 years ago #
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