@siy thanks for the LAN8720 suggestion, the reason we go with KS8721 is that this is proven IC we use in lot of our boards, jumping to new IC will just slow down the development as we do not stock it nor we have evaluated it if it will works as expected, the difference is not so big to consider the extra troubles
same for ST1S10 it may be nice chip but we try to re-use what we have in stock and use to the other boards to may consolidate our purchases and do not keep excessive part numbers in our inventory, I'm sure there may be other nice DCDC as well but we have stock of MP1482 and we already have to manage and logistic/deliveries of 3000+ different components, I can't add 5-10 new components for every new board nor to re-design 500+ boards we have which use these chips which we already use :)
MP1482 is very good DCDC we recently add it to our components stock for iMX233-OLinuXino and love it, in future we are probably going to redesign our GSM modules with it also as it performs better than RHOM part we use now.
@mabl - good point got the VCC we will add to the header