I've started to dig into FreeRTOS on Maple. The problem I've found is too few useful compilable examples on how to get started. The FreeRTOS tutorial is complicated and theoretical. It doesn't leave you with any working running code. The Officially Supported demo for STM32 works, but it's way too complicated, and assumes you have lots of hardware. Not a great way to get started. Maple itself comes with a tragically simple freertos-blinky.cpp, but all it does is show you how to blink the LED. What's next??
Fortunately, I came across a page of FreeRTOS examples for WSN430. These progressively introduce more useful concepts. To help out other Maple users, I've ported them to Maple and added them to the FreeRTOS library as examples. They are available as a pull request on libmaple at github.com.