Thank you for reply, gbulmer.
I'm going to study general data rate expression.
Thank you for reply, gbulmer.
I'm going to study general data rate expression.
Hi, gbulmer
Sorry for confusion about data rate expression.
I modify correctly the data rate expression as follows:
2G byte MicroSD card [Transcend], FAT16
( Using SdFatBench.pde and Olimexino-STM32(compatible Maple rev5 ) )
Before: v02
SD card read/write speed,
[SPI clock], write, read
[4.5MHz], 109kB/s, 168kB/s
[ 9MHz ], 120kB/s, 192kB/s
[18MHz ], 119kB/s, 192kB/s
After: v03
Improved SD card read/write speed,
[SPI clock], write, read
[4.5MHz], 153kB/s, 289kB/s
[ 9MHz ], 176kB/s, 396kB/s
[18MHz ], 192kB/s, 485kB/s
Note: [kB/s]=[kilo byte per second]
dinau - Thank you for clarifying the results. That is very much faster. Excellent work, well done.
Maybe using DMA, and using the two SPI's, you could do RAID :-)
Hi, all
I've tried to use polpla's Maple-SDFat-DMA,
I've imported only polpla's DMA part into my SdFatMaple-vld library because
it has many examples easy to use.
This information is very tentavive at this time.
By modifying the DMA part of the library, it seems that read/write functions work.
Using Maple rev5 compatible borad.
SPI clock is 18MHz.
SPI device is SPI2.
2G byte MicroSD card.
Results are as follows:
[ SdFatBench.pde ]
Type is FAT16
File size 5 MB
Starting write test. Please wait up to a minute
Write 233.98 kB/sec
Starting read test. Please wait up to a minute
Read 877.19 kB/sec
Initializing SD card...Wiring is correct and a card is present.
Card type: SD2
Volume type is FAT16
Volume size (bytes): 2028896256
Volume size (Kbytes): 1981344
Volume size (Mbytes): 1934
Files found on the card (name, date and size in bytes):
BENCH.DAT 2013-02-10 09:11:16 5000000
M3216-01.WAV 2013-02-10 09:11:16 16642410
M3216-02.WAV 2013-02-10 09:11:16 21361538
M3216-03.WAV 2013-02-10 09:11:16 16542764
S441601.WAV 2013-02-10 09:11:16 66768191
M44K16.WAV 2013-02-10 09:11:16 28914186
CASIO.ZIP 2013-02-10 09:11:16 690
Hey again. I was just reading about some recent updates to the original SdFat library. Apparently with the Teensy 3.0 board people are getting more than 1.7 MBytes/s write speeds... wow!
How hard would it be to update the Maple-SdFat port for this new release? Probably a lot has changed, but the Maple should be able to do anything the Teensy 3.0 can do, I'd think.
Here's the discussion.
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