Yeah, assembly might be a bit beyond my scope, I'm kind of a noob when it comes to coding. I worked with a trs-80 and the H.e.r.o. 1 kit when I was in high school, but that was mostly hex code, and I had teachers helping me. I've re-purposed the odd disposable piece of tech (built a mame cabinet and wired up a couple of buttons to an old usb controller breadboard). As of right now my main goal for this project is to have a interactive monitoring panel for a few analog sensors. I have 3 capacitive liquid level sensors, one voltmeter, one ammeter, and a temperature probe. I,need to write a menu and a few simple graphic readouts, as well as a way to use the micro sd to log data.
I'm replacing the sensor board in my motorhome, and I wanted it to be smarter than the average box on wheels. The average rv monitoring panel is a simple led readout and it costs $200. I can do better. I figure I need a voltage divider to bring the input down to acceptable levels (most of the existing sensors run at 5v, the voltmeter has a 20v range, the ammeter is a shunt over the positive line).
Most of my experience tends to be from the analog side of life, so the smart circuitry is somewhat challenging for me right now. I'm slowly getting a grasp on the language, but I'm no codemonkey.
Yeah, I kind of got the brushoff until I started mentioning returning or exchanging the board, then they got helpful. I'll admit I'm probably over my head here, but I want to learn embedded tech, and I'm willing to sacrifice $70 to do that.
A bit disorganized, me. I'm working on it.