Skids - I hope you ordered "The Art of Electronics 2nd Ed." by Horowitz and Hill. It is probably the only electronics book you ever need !-) (until 3rd Ed appears :-)
[Edit: this is a 'traditional' text book, not designed for readers who value fun over fundamentals, or who prefer easy answers to hard facts :-]
The signal line is a twisted pair and is basically an ac voltage at 2Mhz. If I connect to a pin on the Maple via diode and a resistor the diode will block half the signal ...
For one signal:
Yes, Half Wave Rectification, you only get the positive part, the diode will block half the signal.
I am not certain what should happen to the neutral or second wire ...
Assuming the video you linked to is correct, the second wire is the complementary or 'mirror image' signal.
Lets call the two signal wires A and B.
When A is +3.75V, B is -3.75V
When B is +3.75V, A is -3.75V
So, if there is a diode and a load (resistor) connecting B to ground, the other half of the signal will appear from it.
... should I connect this to a ground pin ...
No, I would put a diode and resistor on A and B signals, and recover both positive halves of the signal. Then you will be able to tell the difference between no signal, and signal A being negative.
... Also am I correct in thinking that a second diode is then used to clamp the positive signal to plus 3 volts?
Yes, I would use diodes to clamp the signal swing to plus 3.3 volts.
In the scheme I am suggesting, both signals are used, and diodes are used to 'half wave rectify' both signals. Both those signals are also clamped by further diodes so that they can't go above 3.3V.
I am wondering if I should attempt to simulate the 2Mhz ac signal to test the "front end" or just use a second maple to produce low voltage dc pulses and assume that the operation of the front end is simple.
I'm not clear what you mean.
I would want to make/get something that I could use to simulate the signal producing part of the system. A Maple seems like a great approach because you can do some experiments at low frequency where it will be easier to debug, and at frequencies that are meaningful; depending on complexity, maybe 2MHz, but maybe a bit lower. But this might not be enough for your purposes. I really don't understand enough of what you need to do ultimately.
A simple signal generator is just going to give a simple repetitive signal, it won't encode data. I don't have anything fancier, so I can't comment on other pieces of equipment.
I think I could make something that records chunks of the rectified signal using a Maple.
I think I could also replay that recorded signal using a Maple (no deep thought here, just off-the-top-of-my-head), but it might look a bit whacky (no libraries, just raw I/O access), and I might not be able to get exactly the 2MHz frequency the machinery produces (but likely within 50%).
Assuming generating the rectified signal is an adequate test framework, then it feels doable.
So my feeling is, if the video is accurate, and the bit I read in the spec is accurate, you could likely get a 'listener' working on a Maple, and make a test/simulation tool from a Maple, with a few diodes, resistors and maybe a few more low-cost components (under $10) for the interface.
If you need to drive the real signal wires (and not just listen or simulate) it will get more difficult, and you will need some smarter interface, but once you've built a 'listener', you'll have learned so much more about the foibles of the system, that you will be in a better position to decide how to progress.
If it all becomes very nasty, I feel test equipment to observe the real system (e.g. a storage 'scope or logic analyser) would be more use than something that could simulate the signal.
(LeafLabs can likely comment better on test equipment than me.)