> Ala, have you ported bootloader to F4?
No, currently I just use a dummy boot loader that starts the main program. I have added the basic USB serial stuff in the mean time for the F4 using the STM VCP driver. Sleep mode, close and reopen are not implemented yet, just the basic USB serial I/O. Have already added a software reset when USB sees a DTR and byte sequence to issue a reset. Next step is to start the CPU internal boot loader in this case.
The F4 built in boot loader works with dfu-util 0.6, but the reset after flashing does not seem to work.
Modified bootloader for my own boad
(17 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 3 years ago #
So, I finally managed to get my board working!
I modified the IDE to add a kind of generic board, with all the pins declared (from PA0 to PG15) and they can be accessed by the standard numbering (0 to 111) or by they real name (PA6 for example) which is more convenient when you don't have an official board. Of course, if you want to modify the location of the button(s) and the LED(s) you just have to modify the "MyBoard.h" file. The linker script is for a 256k (Flash)/48k (Ram) device but it can be easily changed for another configuration.This modified IDE can be found here (it's the Mac OS version)
I think it would be great is these kind of generic board can be implemented in MapleIDE. And maybe add an utility to generate the files according the user configuration (pinout and memory specifications)
Posted 3 years ago #
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