Nissarup, thanks for the update, that will be usefull for people who have this problem.
Eclipse - quick start
(27 posts) (16 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago #
I have the same error:
============================[CC] ./libmaple/adc.c
/bin/sh: arm-none-eabi-gcc: not found
make: *** [build/./libmaple/adc.o] Error 127============================
I've created a new Eclipse path variable pointing to ~/libmaple/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc (which does exist at that location). The error persists. What else do I need to do? Sorry but I am a Linux n00b and don't know if I'm supposed to know what to call this new variable or if I need to change something else, too ...
BTW I make'd and downloaded the main.cpp.example program to my Maple from the console & it worked fine. But wouldn't it be handy if I could use Eclipse ;-).
Posted 4 years ago # -
I too, have the same error: make: *** [build/./libmaple/adc.o] Error 127
Eclipse definitely has arm-none-eabi-gcc. Has there been a change to adc.o that's resulting in this problem? This is a pretty big show-stopper for me, as I'm presently trying to integrate some motor control libraries from ST, and doing that in Eclipse would be tremendously easier than all by hand in the command line. I can compile main.cpp.example from the command line just fine.
Has anyone figured out the solution to this issue?
Posted 4 years ago # -
Just got all this running on Windows..
As with the initial post I used the c/c++ eclipse, but here's the extra stuff I did not listed from the 1st post..
Installed the WinAVR tools from
Grabbed & unpacked the libmaple source from [Zip button top left]Had to untick 'Makefile Generation -> Generate Makefiles Automatically' in the project properties, c/c++ build panel, builder settings tab.
Had to change 'make' to 'cs-make' in the project properties, c/c++ build panel, builder settings tab.
Renamed main.cpp.example in the imported libmaple files to main.cpp
Edited the Makefile to..
change 'rm -rf' occurences to 'del /s/q'
commented out @find thru to @$(SIZE) $< in the $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin target
altered 'mkdir -p $@' to mkdir "$@" in the $(BUILDDIRS) target
Edited support\make\
changed the ';' on the end of each SILENT rule to an '&'Mostly these are just unix->windows hacks in the makefiles, to avoid installing cygwin, or equiv.. and I'm pretty sure having commented out chunks of the bin target the output may not be too sane to use..
However, the net result is I can edit main.cpp with the syntax highlighting, code completion, ctrl-click link following etc.. which was all I was after.. to get the code down to the board, I can always cut & paste it across to the little-green-editor ;p
Posted 4 years ago # -
I'm working on WIndows...
I've got this**** Build of configuration Default for project leaflabs-libmaple-f7e384a ****
cs-make install
Install target: flash
./support/scripts/ && sleep 1 && dfu-util -a1 -d 1EAF:0003 -D build/maple.bin -R
/usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory
cs-make: *** [install] Error 127Has anyone figured out the solution to this issue?
Posted 4 years ago # -
I think it would be quite useful to have in Maple IDE a menu item like "Export to Eclipse..." which would generate an Eclipse project from active sketch and all attached libraries. This feature might greatly simplify moving to full-featured IDE as project grows. The Maple IDE know all necessary details about the sketch and libmaple and format of the Eclipse project files is well known (for example, Maven has plugin capable to generate Eclipse projects), so implementing such a feature should not be complex task.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi i've been trying to compile using eclipse, but an error.
I followed the steps from here:
At step 6.3 i get this error:cs-make install
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
"Install target:"Does anyone know what the problem is?
I'm using Win7 pro 64 bit.
Posted 3 years ago # -
I've just bought Maple_R5 and tried to compile using Eclipse according to given information by forum members and wiki page. Finally I've successfully done it in Win7 64 bit.
I have to tell you, I didn't know anything about Linux or Unix based systems. But I made some google search and I found followings which must be installed to Windows system.
1- WinAvr (Actually you need only "x:\WinAVR-20100110\utils\bin" directory and must be added to "System varibles PATH" or install WinAvr which sets PATH automatically)
2- Python33 >>> "Python 3.3.0 Windows X86-64 MSI Installer"
(install it)3- pyserial 2.6 (serial port enabler for pyhton) >>>
(install it as described in the web page)4- Eclipse "eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers" >>>
5- Apply given information ""
6- Change some lines in libmaple\support\scripts\;
#!/usr/bin/env python >>>> #!x:/Python33/python.exe (where pyhton33 installed)
import _winreg as reg >>>> import winreg as regx: drive that has Python33 folder
7- Change Makefile;
# Target upload commands
# USB ID for DFU upload -- FIXME: do something smarter with this
UPLOAD_ram := $(SUPPORT_PATH)/scripts/ && \
sleep 1 && \
UPLOAD_flash := $(SUPPORT_PATH)/scripts/ && \
sleep 1 && \
$(DFU) -a1 -d $(BOARD_USB_VENDOR_ID):$(BOARD_USB_PRODUCT_ID) -D $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin -R# Conditionally upload to whatever the last build was
install: INSTALL_TARGET = $(shell cat $(BUILD_PATH)/build-type 2>/dev/null)
install: $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin
@echo "Install target:" $(INSTALL_TARGET)
to this one;-------------------------------
# Target upload commands
# USB ID for DFU upload -- FIXME: do something smarter with this
UPLOAD_ram := $(SUPPORT_PATH)/scripts/ && sleep 1 && $(DFU) -a0 -d $(BOARD_USB_VENDOR_ID):$(BOARD_USB_PRODUCT_ID) -D $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin -R
UPLOAD_flash := $(SUPPORT_PATH)/scripts/ && sleep 2 && $(DFU) -a1 -d $(BOARD_USB_VENDOR_ID):$(BOARD_USB_PRODUCT_ID) -D $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin -R
INSTALL_TARGET = $(shell cat $(BUILD_PATH)/build-type 2>/dev/null)# Conditionally upload to whatever the last build was
# install: INSTALL_TARGET = $(shell cat $(BUILD_PATH)/build-type 2>/dev/null)
# $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin
@echo "Install target:" $(INSTALL_TARGET)
-------------------------------8- Copy "dfu-util.exe" from maple-ide directory to "x:\WinAVR-20100110\utils\bin"
x: drive that has WinAvr folder9- Optionally modify which does not report object file sizes and give
more information about compilation;# @echo " "
# @echo "Object file sizes:"
# @find $(BUILD_PATH) -name *.o | xargs $(SIZE) -t > $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).sizes
# @cat $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).sizes$(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).bin: $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).elf
$(SILENT_OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPY) -v -Obinary $(BUILD_PATH)/$(BOARD).elf $@ 1>/dev/null
@echo " "
@echo "Final Size:"
@$(SIZE) -A $<
@echo "Build Successfull."
@echo $(MEMORY_TARGET) > $(BUILD_PATH)/build-typeMSG_INFO:
@echo "================================================================================"
@echo ""
@echo " Previous Build :" $(PREV_BUILD_TYPE)
@echo " Build info :"
@echo " BOARD: :" $(BOARD)
@echo " MCU: :" $(MCU)
@echo ""
@echo " See 'make help' for all possible targets"
@echo ""
@echo "================================================================================"
@echo ""Finally you can have alternative IDE for development.
Best wishes.....
Posted 2 years ago # -
Hi again,
UPLOAD_ram := $(SUPPORT_PATH).......(BOARD).bin -R
UPLOAD_flash:= $(SUPPORT_PATH).......(BOARD).bin -Reach line must be individually single line. In my post they seem dubble line.
Also if you cannot upload your compilation because "Lost Device after reset, assuming prod_id was incremented by oneNo DFU capable USB device found", change "sleep 1" value to higher one like "sleep 2".
Posted 2 years ago # -
Do you really need the WinAVR stuff, it has no use for an arm processor.
Insted it looks like you can keep the dfu-util.exe where it is and simply
add the directory where it lives to the system path, or simply copy dfu-util.exe
into the bin folder of your arm toolchain. You have already added this path to
your system in order for Eclipse make to find the arm-none-eabi-cpp compiler and
other tools.Best regards
MagnusPosted 2 years ago # -
Hi mlundinse,
You don't need, but in utils folder there are many programd related with unix and Linux. Therefore if you use WinAvr, it is not necessary to change some commands in makefile to make compatible with windows. Like "rm -rf" >>>> "'del /s/q" modification as mentioned previous posts. But you are right, arm tool chain must be used for compilation.
Posted 2 years ago # -
Hi all, I succeeded in eliminating all previous problems but I'm kind lost with this one (google doesnt help, maybe due to the wrong search terms). Anyways: Help is really appreciated:
Console Output is:
file *.o not found
maple-ide-0.0.12-windowsxp32\hardware\tools\arm\bin\arm-none-eabi-size.exe: 'a.out': No such file recipe for target 'build/maple.bin' failed
make: *** [build/maple.bin] Error 123
----------------------------------------------------Problem is:
"recipe for target 'build/maple.bin' failedI never used GCC or Eclipse before. I'm on Windows 8. Instead of using cygwin I set my path variable to "maple-ide-0.0.12-windowsxp32\hardware\tools\arm\bin".
Thank you guys so much in advance!
Posted 2 years ago #
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