The temperature of the conversation is starting to get pretty high (and we're way off topic), so I'll just explain our position and hopefully we can all leave it at that (and use this thread as a pointer for when this sort of question inevitably comes up again).
We like distributed version control systems (DVCSes), and we like Git. It suits our workflow, and we think using it makes it easier for the community to hack on libmaple, share with others, and give back, especially combined with the truly exceptional work the people at GitHub are doing.
Practices from centralized VCSes like embedding timestamps into files just don't make any sense in a distributed system; understanding why that is true is part of coming to grips with DVCS.
If you want to hack on libmaple, I encourage you to just fork the Git repository and track your changes in that way. This takes some getting used to, but it's well worth it. poslathian once described the excitement you get when you finally "get" Git to be like finding Excalibur, and I totally agree. Using Git also makes sharing your changes with the rest of the world (and getting them merged upstream into the "official" LeafLabs tree) much easier, which is good for you and for us.
However, if you don't want to, you are of course welcome to use any other method you like. However, we don't have the resources to support all the world's versioning systems, so if that's the route you take, then you're on your own.