The talk notes are at and the slides are at, when they post the audio I will link it to the notes.
Example project for using libmaple without Maple IDE
(24 posts) (8 voices)-
Posted 3 years ago #
great slides, thanks feurig!
Posted 3 years ago # -
poslathian: thanks. It was a fun talk to give sparked a lot of interest in libmaple and the platform in general.
mbolivar: I had some "fun" issues getting the builds to include extra modules header files and finally wound up putting my dependencies in a libraries folder and adding the following glop to the in my project directories.
CFLAGS_$(d) += -I$(EXAMPLE_INCLUDE_DIR) -I$(d)/libraries/SDfat ..... USER_MODULES_MODULES += $(d)/libraries/SDfat $(foreach m,$(USER_MODULES_MODULES),$(eval $(call LIBMAPLE_MODULE_template,$(m))))
It ain't pretty or quite the way I want it but it works.
Posted 3 years ago # -
I had some "fun" issues getting the builds to include extra modules header files
hm. yeah, i see what you did, and why it's the shortest path to working.
any pointers on what the done thing is in situations like this? i believe most people would reach for pkg-config here, but i'm leery of the extra dependency. i'm pretty staunchly against the autotools, for two reasons:
(1) i don't know how to use them, and they seem hard to learn
(2) they doesn't seem well-adapted to the modern situation where everyone just uses the source repository, instead of source dumps produced by the developers(1) worries me since as the current libmaple maintainer, i'm likely to really screw it up if libmaple uses autotools. (2) worries me for hackability: requiring that all contributors know how to drive the autotools seems to really steepen the learning curve.
Posted 3 years ago # -
The make system isn't broken the implementation is a clunky. Imho extra layers and steps don't really help here.
Posted 3 years ago # -
The make system isn't broken the implementation is a clunky. Imho extra layers and steps don't really help here.
fair enough. i confess that before joining leaflabs, i'd never used make, so i've been picking things up piecemeal as necessary. i suppose i should just go ahead and really RTFM before trying to sort this out. any help smoothing out the bumps would be welcome ;).
Posted 3 years ago # -
Actually, how about this? Hackish, but it does work:
Posted 3 years ago # -
Its nice to see a couple of approaches.
I prefer my approach since the source,its dependancies and the make file are all in the same tree.
That way i can have an scm for the project and its xcode project and keep libmaple (current) stock and in its own directory.
I wouldnt have gotten there without your example.
I am really liking some of the other changes (like the bugfix for time.h and the hardware/software Wire library), and will try to make my example presentable. Unfortunately my current focus is on using it and you have given me something that "works for me".We should pester Perry or whoever to make it so that you don't have to build from the libmaple directory or so that we can call the libmaple Makefile without the extra command line stuff. You seem to have enough on your plate :)
Posted 3 years ago # -
Pull req sent to
Helper script has been converted to Makefile to use it in a more natural way with Eclipse CDT.regards,
DmitryPosted 3 years ago #
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