Any chance of bringing the IDE up to scratch with current Arduino version 1.0? It seems several versions behind.
Please in any case fix these bugs:
--- maple-ide-v0.0.12/maple-ide.orig 2011-09-13 22:52:36.000000000 +1200
+++ maple-ide-v0.0.12/maple-ide 2011-11-29 14:05:03.000000000 +1300
-APPDIR="$(dirname -- "${0}")"
+APPDIR="$(dirname -- $(readlink -f -- "${0}") )"
The first allows the program to start when creating a symlink in a bin directory pointing to maple-ide-v0.0.12/maple-ide so the IDE archive can be unpacked anywhere. The other two start the program correctly and were fixed in 0021 (which was a while ago) and 0022.
The shipped with the IDE crashes on startup 64bit Linux. It shares that feature with every Arduino IDE release too, except for Arduino 0021 - that one actually works. Beginning with Arduino 0022 there also is a - no idea what for, since it doesn't even get loaded on 64bit systems.
The RXTXcomm.jar works but unfortunately the serial monitor in the maple IDE doesn't have a selection of which line endings to send.
Another change the original made a while ago is to compile the user program first. You already know the core will compile, so it doesn't take so long to reach the first error.
Thanks :)