I do not know where documentation says what you said how would I do that?
For use of SPI, you need to run port 1 faster than the minimum speed.
So I could not create a loopback? on the same port miso to mosi?
I agree it seems the maple seems to only be able to be master.
It looks like after me trying to get the code to work it reads when it writes.
but also it requires uint8 data types that are not colored. I like them better because I know what size data I am working with at least.
The code seems to return one byte and send a array so I would send a array with 1 element to get one thing back? Also it seems to want a array of uint8 's but wants it in the format of " o=Spi.send(&n[0], temp);"
The & sign confuses me so it gets the address of the array element zero so would return one character?
//hello world with a SPI loop back twist
//this has to be added at the top above setup
HardwareSPI Spi(1);
uint8 n[1];
uint32 temp=0;
uint8 o=0;
void setup() {
Spi.begin(SPI_140_625KHZ , MSBFIRST, 0);
void loop() {
SerialUSB.println("Hello World!");
o=Spi.send(&n[0], temp);