Folks might have missed the STM32F3-Discovery board
It has a new STM32F3xx MCU (STM32F303VCT6 to be precise).
The STM32F3xx family is claimed to be pin-compatible with STM32F1xx, so existing PCB's designed for STM32F1xx could work.
It has the usual ST-LINK/V2 so upload and GDB support is on-board, while leaving the STM32F3's USB socket free for other uses.
The CPU is a Cortex-M4 (so like an STM32F4 in that respect), but running at STM32F103 speeds.
The peripherals are claimed to be compatible with STM32F1, so it might be straightforward to get libmaple working on it.
The board has 9-degrees of freedom sensors (accelerometers, gyros and magnetometers). Yum!
I haven't found any distributor with them in stock yet, but I have seen them listed at $10.90.