Well, things are quietening now for the moment, which should give me enough time to spend time finishing off the Wire library for general use. We've been using it actively in our project and I believe it's stable enough for a release. My apologises that it's been delayed.
I've recently integrated 3 of these Voltage and Current Sensors (I call them VIS, http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10643 ) into the project so that we can see the voltage level of the battery and also the current draw of each of the motors. I'm also going to be trying to, over the weekend, to implement dual ADC sampling that has been developed in the forums.
But you can say for the Maple Mini, As seen on TV!
As for sunday, things didn't go very well. The board I designed, stopped working after I touched up some solder joints, and while diagnosing the issue, I accidentally caused a short circuit through the frame which melted the wires going to the board. Luckily the board was actually fine and the problem was traced down to a faulty solder joint on a via, on the ground line. I got a new board made which will prevent the problem occurring ever again and was also a bit smaller.