I think you are right about the time it spends near the horizon. That should be enough to get reliable Doppler information. Also, a little bit of playing around with trig can actually give me a reasonable height estimate from Doppler shift (isn't that exciting!) As long as I can track the Doppler shift as it arcs through the sky, I can get the dx/dt for the horizontal, which would be cosine of the (hopefully) circular trajectory. Related rates gives me the dx/dt for the vertical direction, or sine function. By finding the change in the Doppler shift, I get relationship between the sine and cosine rates. This depends, of course, on a localized circular trajectory, but it should follow that type of trajectory provided the trajectory was circular to begin with.
Also, the time it spends visible in the sky would also give me a speed. If I know the speed, I know the height because of the equation for centripetal acceleration (a = v^2/r). Because the acceleration would have to be very close to 9.8, the radius minus the Earth's radius gives me the height.
I'll check with the organizers to see if pressure sensing or temperature sensing counts. Maybe some other sensor, such as UV detection, would count.
Wireless communication options for Maple
(48 posts) (11 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
I use my own port for STM32 from Microchip library for MRF24WB (WiFi) and MRF89XA (MiWi). Not a hard to port but now can use all features for WiFi adn MiWi protocols. AsyncLabs very simplest.
Posted 3 years ago # -
Now success with port Microchip TCP/IP stack to STM32. Checked with MRF24BW module with HTTP and other services.
http://akb77.com/g/stm32/home-automation-master-device/Posted 3 years ago #
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