update: I tried to use the maple on another machine running Windows XP - same problem: I can get the maple into perpetual bootloader mode and install the DFU drivers (where it appears under "LibUSB-Wind32 Devices" as Maple 003, but on reset / out of perpetual bootloader, nothing is being picked up.
I'm not sure if reflashing the bootloader will help? I'm taking a gander at the instructions, but I'm not clear on how to physically wire it up using an Arduino (I don't have an FTDI breakout board):
If you do use an FTDI breakout board, first make sure your Maple is disconnected from an external power source, be it battery, USB, or barrel jack. Then, connect the FTDI board’s TX pin to Serial1‘s RX pin (labeled “RX1” on the silkscreen), FTDI RX to Serial1 TX (labeled “TX1”), FTDI ground to ground (labeled GND), and its 3.3V pin to Vin. On Maple Mini, you will also need to tie BOOT1 (pin 2) to ground.
Does this mean the Arduino's TX pin to Maple's (Serial1) RX pin? etc?
UPDATE: So yeah - I guess that's what my question above meant. I'm trying to go through an Arduino Uno: do I need to upload some sort of special sketch to it first? Otherwise, I'm getting this output error:
U:\My Documents\mapleboot>python.exe stm32loader.py -p 5 -evw maple_boot.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stm32loader.py", line 473, in <module>
cmd.open(conf['port'], conf['baud'])
File "stm32loader.py", line 74, in open
timeout=0.5 # set a timeout value, None for waiting forever
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy2\lib\site-packages\pyserial-2.4-py2.6.egg\seri
al\serialutil.py", line 171, in __init__
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy2\lib\site-packages\pyserial-2.4-py2.6.egg\seri
al\serialwin32.py", line 53, in open
raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" % (self.portstr, msg))
serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port 5: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The
system cannot find the file specified.')
The Arduino is being recognized on its com port in device manager (COM5). When I ran the above code, I tried entering serial ports 0>6 (just to make sure it wasn't how its indexed in the script) and get the same error every time.