As you can see from another post, I'm working with Rod on a library to get RTC support in the Maple.
I'm having some problems right now that I'd like some guru help with.
First, the RTC is counting seconds, so having a function that converts seconds to date/time from Epoch would be awesome. I created a sketch including time.h (and not including my RTC library) and I can access localtime(), mktime(), time_t and struct tm from that sketch, but if I include the time.h in my library I get an error saying that time_t is not defined (or any time.h functions).
Second, when I use time.h, delay() and millis() link gets broken. if I include time.h, I cannot use any of those functions.
Third, during the development of the low level functions for the RTC we changed rcc.h files by including the LSI clock selection and functions to start LSI and LSE (HSE only gets checked). I did these changes in the rcc.h file inside the libmaple directory and it works perfectly if I run the compilation from the command line. However, when I try to run this from a library, these rcc.h changes aren't visible to the IDE. Why is that?
Any help is much appareciated.