Hi, all,
perceived problems with the compiler of the IDE in using hardware timer to control a software serial (bitbanging) serial communication.
(Maybe I'm not C/C++-freak enough to solve it?)
Win XP 32bit, SP2. Maple rev 5, Maple IDE 0.0.12
The C++ library (SoftSerial.h. SoftSerial.cpp) was put into a folder under %mapleIDE%/libraries. Tried to add a timer interrupt to that.
HardwareTimer timer(2);
in the MapleIDE sketch after || before
#include "SoftSerial.h"
I was not able to
a) have the compiler recognize a public field of type HardwareTimer in the SoftSerial class defined in the header of the library (Compiler error: Type unknown)
b) have the compiler recognize a global instance of type HardwareTimer in the SoftSerial library
c) tried out all possible includes in the library, from FreeRTOS.h to timers.h
had to move all the functions in the former library class to a sketch *.pde file,
rename all LCD.%functions% to LCDfunction in the main sketch - dropping object oriented concepts in order to make things working.
Noticed, that a class constructor function having parameters is not accepted by the compiler, when it is not stuck in a library, but in the main sketch.
The library however cannot access to the class type declaration of HardwareTimer.
Any ideas what went wrong? (Code too large to be posted here...)