x893 ... Is there anyway to have a systick interrupt frequency above 1000 Hz or below 1 millisecond?
FreeRTOS on The Maple?
(89 posts) (15 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
you can set any but within boundary to task make some actions. too small time increase system overtime (compare, switch context), biggest time reduce task responsebility. i think you can make tick as parameter and tune in concertte situation. You cam measure time for system (time from enter to interrupt and exit with a task context switch) with D13 on/off and oscilloscope. it's time always need for each tick. Also time critical task can disable interrupt and increase time quota :). As i know empirical formula tick >= 5 * system time into ISR (but it's very approximatly). really try change and see application reaction.
Posted 5 years ago # -
kind of quiet in this topic ;-)
and i would like to ask if any interesting new project using rtos or coos happened lately.Posted 5 years ago # -
I use RTOS (CoOS) for navigation device based on STM32. Not sure that it's interesting for other. Now i work on shield with Etherner (ENC28J60), WiFi (ZG2100), BT (WT12), 868 MHz RF (RFM23B) modules, microSD slot and USB Host (MAX3421).
Posted 5 years ago # -
could you give some more details regarding Ethernet and RF module project, ie what is the
goal? is it kind of multi-medium router or they are individual projects?br
DanPosted 5 years ago # -
Primary for my projects. It's can use as coordinator (access point) or router from one media to internal network (RF). RF part can use any SPI based chips (such as TI CC11XX or CC25XX series with Simplicity protocol, CC2530 with Zigbee, Silabs Si44XX series with Wireless-M or STM32W). RFM23B very low price (6$) and based on Si4432 chip. I port Wireless-M protocol to Maple (and to Arduino AVR also). Ethernet and WiFi (BT) use for host access to coordinator and to end points. With FOA (currently in development - Firmware Over Air) not need any wire communications with nodes. microSD and USB host use in general purpose (with a ported arduino libs).
Posted 5 years ago # -
Hey x893
I added the MapleFreeRTOS library and changed systick.h and systick.c as instructed in your blog http://akb77.com/g/mcu/maple-stm32-library-for-freertos/ and tried compiling your sample code through the IDE but it gave the following errorGoing to build using 'make' (ARM)
Compiling core.../home/antimatter/Projects/3-1 project/hardware/maple-ide-0.0.6_freertos/hardware/leaflabs/cores/maple/wirish.c: In function 'init':
/home/antimatter/Projects/3-1 project/hardware/maple-ide-0.0.6_freertos/hardware/leaflabs/cores/maple/wirish.c:39: error: too few arguments to function 'systick_init'
Could you help me with this.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Please try check on Maple 0.0.8. I never check on 0.0.6 version.
Posted 5 years ago # -
very nice work, x893. Using it with the Unix tool chain is just a matter of downloading then modifying the makefile?
I'm deciding between using CoOS and FreeRTOS, and was wondering if there are any implementation specific considerations when I choose between the two. I don't need it for what I'm currently implementing (a first hack at a wireless sensor network node), but it would be sure nice to have in my toolbox for future projects which may include motor/actuator control.
Posted 5 years ago # -
I prefer CoOS as more simple. I use simple task switching in navigation devices. In principal (for me) not a big differents between CoOS/FreeRTOS/ChibiOS and Contiki. May be later i'll use Contiki (for use RF stack - ZigBee or other)
Posted 5 years ago # -
Thanks. So you mainly using round robin scheduling, it looks like.
Most of my RTOS work is with Enea's OSEck, so I'm a fan of message passing. I'll have a bit more reading to do.
Posted 5 years ago # -
@x893 did you get to look at ChibiOS anymore? You were saying you prefer CoOS so far due to its simplicity?
Posted 5 years ago # -
As for me CoOS simplest than other (i use it as RTOS for GPS tracker). ChibiOS now not interesting for me.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Just a quick mention that I've been using ChibiOS on the Maple for quite some time. It's very clean and elegant.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi ianmga,
are you using ChibiOS with the Maple bootloader and libmaple, i.e. can you still use the MapleIDE to program it, or did you wipe out the bootloader?
How did you install ChibiOS and how do you program the Maple now with ChibiOS installed?
I would be interested to try it out too.Posted 4 years ago #
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