mbolivar - I agree LeafLabs need to fix issues which are easiest for customers to implement.
I also agree re-flashing the bootloader is hassle, but maybe we should do a 'straw poll' to discover how hard it might be?
The wonderful feature of the STM32F103 is it has a built-in loader which works over USART1, so re-flashing is not as awkward as other processors.
I own more than one Maple, so I could use one as a USB to Serial adapter to re-flash another.
That would need some code to make it act as a USB to serial cable, but I assume it might be straightforward.
This is a "good thing" as it encourages people to buy extra Maples :-)
I own an FTDI USB-to-3.3V-Serial cable, so I can re-flash using that (and have made my boards using it)
This doesn't need any new software or hardware.
I own Arduino's, so I could lever the ATmega from the socket and use the USB to serial on that.
Or I could use a soft-serial interface (if we wrote some code). I think I'd need a tiny bit of electronics to make that work (but maybe the STM32F USART1 is 5V tolerant, I thought it wasn't but I should go check.)
There is a cheap (under £3 GBP) USB to serial adapter for Nokia phones, though we'd need to test and document that to make it viable.
With code, the Maple could update its own bootloader. I am a bit nervous about this as failure would require one of the USART1 based update mechanisms, but it might be a useful tool anyway.
Of course, with less common hardware, like JTAG, anything is possible.
I'd be happy to help people re-flash Maples at our hackspace meetings. We are re-launching fizzPop in Birmingham (UK) as of next Wednesday, so I could help anyone in the area at a meeting.
Using those sorts of mechanisms and support, could we move a majority of existing Maple owners across to a new bootloader?