Now I have use Arduino with 8bit ATmega328, but I would like to buy Maple board with ARM cpu.
I have cheap Ethernet controller ENC28J60 http://dx.com/p/enc28j60-ethernet-lan-network-module-for-51-avr-stm32-lpc-150604 (7USD).
On Arduino i use Ethercard library https://github.com/jcw/ethercard with this pinout http://nathanhein.com/2013/02/getting-arduino-online-with-an-enc28j60/
Is possible to use ENC28J60 with Maple board? I found only libraray for Wiznet chip https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple/blob/ethernet-shield/libraries/arduino_ethernet/utility/w5100.h#L2
Ethernet ENC28J60 support
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Posted 2 years ago #
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